Part One The Anglo-Saxon Period
Chapter 1 The Early Invasions of the British Isles
Chapter 2 Anglo-Saxon Literature
2.1 Poetry
2.2 Prose
Part Two The Medieval Age
Chapter 3 Anglo-Norman Literature
3.1 Norman Conquest
3.2 Literature
Chapter 4 Literature in the Age of Chaucer
4.1 William Langland
4.2 Geoffrey Chaucer
Chapter 5 Literature in the 15th Century
5.1 Popular Ballads
5.2 Sir Thomas Malory
Part Three The Renaissance Period
Chapter 6 English Renaissance
6.1 Background
6.2 Renaissance
Chapter 7 Poetry in the Renaissance Period
7.1 Sir Thomas Wyatt
7.2 Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey
7.3 Sir Philip Sidney
7.4 Edmund Spenser
Chapter 8 Prose in the Renaissance Period
8.1 Sir Thomas More
8.2 John Lyly
8.3 Thomas Nashe
8.4 Francis Bacon
Chapter 9 Drama in the Renaissance Period
9.1 English Drama
9.2 Thomas Kyd
9.3 Christopher Marlowe
9.4 William Shakespeare
9.5 Ben Jonson
Part Four The Period of Revolution and Restoration
Chapter 10 Historical Context
Chapter 11 Literature in the Period of Revolution
11.1 Literary Characteristics
11.2 Metaphysical Poets
11.3 Cavalier Poets
11.4 John Milton
Chapter 12 Literature in the Period of Restoration
12.1 Literary Characteristics
12.2 John Bunyan
12.3 John Dryden
12.4 The Restoration Theater
Part Five The Age of Enlightenment
Chapter 13 Introduction
13.1 Background
13.2 Enlightenment
13.3 Literature
Chapter 14 Neoclassical School
14.1 Alexander Pope
14.2 Joseph Addison and Sir Richard Steele
14.3 Samuel Johnson
14.4 James Boswell
Chapter 15 Fiction of Realistic Tradition
15.1 Daniel Defoe
15.2 lonathan Swift
15.3 Henry Fielding
15.4 Tobias George Smollett
Chapter 16 Sentimentalist Novels
16.1 Samuel Richardson
16.2 Laurence Sterne
16.3 Oliver Goldsmith
Chapter 17 Poetry of Pre-Romantieism and Sentimentalism
17.1 Fre-Romantieism
17.2 Sentimentalism
17.3 Representative Poets
Chapter 18 Drama in the 18th Century
Part Six The Romantic Period
Chapter 19 English Romanticism
19.1 Background
19.2 Romanticism
19.3 Literature
Chapter 20 Romantic Poetry
20.1 Representative Poets of the First Generation
20.2 Representative Poets of the Second Generation
Chapter 21 Fiction in the Romantic Age
21.1 Sir Walter Scott
21.2 Jane Austen
Chapter 22 Essays in the Romantic Age
22.1 Charles Lamb
22.2 William Hazlitt
22.3 James Henry Leigh Hunt
22.4 Thomas Penson De Quincey
Part Seven The Period of Realism
Chapter 23 Critical Realism
23.1 Background
23.2 Realism
23.3 Literary Currents
Chapter 24 CritieaI Realist Novels
24.1 Charles Dickens
24.2 William Makepeaee Thackeray
24.3 George Eliot
24.4 The Bronte Sisters
24.5 Elizabeth Gaskell
24.6 George Meredith
24.7 Samuel Butler
24.8 Thomas Hardy
Chapter 25 Victorian Poetry
25.1 Alfred, Lord Tennyson
25.2 The Brownings
25.3 Matthew Arnold
Chapter 26 Victorian Essays
26.1 Thomas Carlyle
26.2 John Stuart Mill
26.3 John Ruskin
Chapter 27 Literary Trends at the End of the 19th Century
27.1 Naturalistic Trend
27.2 New Romanticism
27.3 Aestheticism and Decadence
Part Eight The Early Twentieth Century
Chapter 28 Introduction
28.1 Background
28.2 Literature
Chapter 29 Drama in the Early 20th Century
Chapter 30 The Edwardians
30.1 Arnold Bennett
30.2 Rudyard Kipling
30.3 John Galsworthy
30.4 H. G. Wells
30.5 Joseph Conrad
30.6 E. M. Forster
30.7 Katherine Mansfield
Chapter 31 The Georgians and the War Poets
31.1 W. H. Davies
31.2 Walter de la Mare
31.3 Philip Edward Thomas
31.4 John Drinkwater
31.5 Rupert Brooke
31.6 Wilfred Owen
31.7 David Jones
31.8 Robert yon Ranke Graves
31.9 Edmund Blunden
Chapter 32 The 1920s' Literature
32.1 Novel
32.2 Poetry
Chapter 33 The 1930s' Literature
33.1 Poetry
33.2 Fiction
Part Nine The Postwar Period
Chapter 34 Postwar Poetry
34.1 The Movement Poetry
34.2 Poetry since the 1960s and 1970s
34.3 Younger Poets of tile Later Period
Chapter 35 Postwar Fiction
35. I "Angry Young Men" -
35.2 Other Writers on the Postwar Literary Scene
Chapter 36 Postwar Drama
36.1 Samuel Barclay Beckett
36.2 Harold Pinter
36.3 Sir Tom Stoppard
36.4 John James Osborne
36.5 Sir Arnold Wesker
Key to Exercises
Appendix Ⅰ List of Nobel Laureates in Literature
Appendix Ⅱ List of Poets Laureate of the UK
Appendix Ⅲ List of Recipients of the Golden PEN Award in English Literature
Appendix Ⅳ List of Winners of the Booker Prize for Fiction
Appendix Ⅴ Periods in British History