定 價:39 元
- 作者:李細平 編
- 出版時間:2012/3/1
- ISBN:9787302279471
- 出 版 社:清華大學出版社
- 中圖法分類:F7
- 頁碼:339
- 紙張:膠版紙
- 版次:1
- 開本:16開
范例研究的經(jīng)典性:書中提供了大量國內外的典型案例,給讀者提供最新的學習資料和參考信息,書中個案與資料大多是被實踐證明了的經(jīng)典范例,具有典型性、代表性, 便于讀者舉一反三、觸類旁通。本書不是機械地照本宣科,而是取其精華,融會貫通;本書不是商務文案寫作通用的法則,而是適合商務文案寫作借鑒的模板。
編 者
chapter 1 general principles of business writing
chapter 2 skills of business english writing
selecting words
developing effective sentences
effective paragraph development
other skills
chapter 3 notice
【sample analysis】
【knowledge induction】
i. the use and feature of a notice
ii. The types of notices
iii. The format of a notice
iv. The format of ?notice
v. the format of ?notices
【skill training task】
chapter 4 poster
【sample analysis】
【knowledge induction】
i. the use and feature of a poster
ii. The format of ?a poster
【skill training task】
chapter 5 notes and bills
【sample analysis】
【knowledge induction】
i. notes
ii. Bills
【skill training task】
chapter 6 memorandum
【sample analysis】
【knowledge induction】
i. the use and feature of memos
ii. The format of memos
【skill training task】
chapter 7 agenda
【knowledge induction】
i. the use of agenda
ii. The format of agenda
【skill training task】
chapter 8 the minutes of a meeting
【knowledge induction】
i. the use and requirements of minutes of a meeting
ii. The format of minutes of a meeting
【examples of different types of the minutes of the meeting】
【skill training task】
chapter 9 product's instruction
【sample analysis】
【knowledge induction】
i. the use and feature of a product's instruction
ii. The content of an instruction
【skill training task】
chapter 10 certificate
【sample analysis】
【knowledge induction】
i. the basic knowledge of certificate
ii. The format of certificate
【skill training task】
chapter 11 cards
【sample analysis】
【knowledge induction】
i. the format and sample of invitation cards
ii. The format and sample of congratulation/greeting cards
iii. The format and sample of business cards
【skill training task】
chapter 12 invitation for bids and pre-qualification
【sample analysis】
【knowledge induction】
i. the use of invitation for bids and pre-qualification
ii. The format of invitation for bids and pre-qualification
【skill training task】
chapter 13 bidding forms
【sample analysis】
【knowledge induction】
i. the use of a bid
ii. The content of the form of bid
iii. The format of form of bid
【skill training task】
chapter 14 contract
【sample analysis】
【knowledge induction】
i. the use of contracts
ii. The format of contracts
iii. Types of contracts
【skill training task】
chapter 15 business reports
【sample analysis】
【knowledge induction】
i. the use and category of a business report
ii. The format of different business reports
【skill training task】
chapter 16 business proposals
【sample analysis】
【knowledge induction】
i. the use and category of a business proposals
ii. The format of different business proposals
【skill training task】
chapter 17 speech
【sample analysis】
【knowledge induction】
i. the use and feature of speech
ii. The format of speech
examples of different types of speech
【skill training task】
chapter 18 the layout of a business letter
【sample analysis】
【knowledge induction】
i. the structure of a business letter
ii. The format of a business letter
iii. Envelop addressing
【skill training task】
appendix I names of common companies、enterprises and stores
appendix ii names of common positions and titles
appendix iii 2011年《財富》世界500強排行榜
appendix iv 常見英文標點符號用法指南
appendix v reference for tasks
appendix vi 商務英語常用縮略語表