Chapter 1 General Introduction
1.1 Task and Classification of Human Anatomy
1.2 Basic Terms of Human Anatomy
Chapter 2 Osteology
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Axial Skeleton
2.3 Appendicular Skeleton
Chapter 3 Arthrology
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Direct Joints
3.3 Indirect Joints
3.4 Joints of Axial Skeleton
Chapter 4 Myology
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Muscles of Head
4.3 Muscles of Neck
4.4 Muscles of Trunk
4.5 Muscles of Upper Limb
4.6 Muscles of Lower Limb
Chapter 5 Alimentary System
5.1 Oral Cavity
5.2 Pharynx
5.3 Esophagus
5.4 Stomach
5.5 Small Intestine
5.6 Large Intestine
5.7 Liver
5.8 Pancreas
Chapter 6 Respiratory System
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Respiratory Tracts
6.3 Lungs
6.4 Pleurae
6.5 Mediastinum
Chapter 7 Urinary System
7.1 Kidneys
7.2 Ureters
7.3 Urinary Bladder
7.4 Urethra
Chapter 8 Male Reproductive System
8.1 Internal Reproductive Organs
8.2 External Reproductive Organs
Chapter 9 Female Reproductive System
9.1 Internal Reproductive Organs
9.2 External Reproductive Organs
Chapter 10 Peritoneum
10.1 Introduction
10.2 Relationship between Abdominopelvic Viscera and Peritoneum
10.3 PeritoneaIReflections
10.4 Folds, Peritoneal Recesses and Pouches
10.5 Subdivision of Peritoneal Cavity
Chapter 11 Cardiovascular System
11.1 Introduction
11.2 Heart
11.3 Arteries
11.4 Veins
Chapter 12 Lymphatic System
12.1 Main Collecting Lymph Channels
12.2 Lymphatic Drainage of Head and Neck
12.3 Lymphatic Drainage of Upper Limbs
12.4 Lymphatic Drainage of Thorax
12.5 Lymphatic Drainage of Abdomen and Pelvis
12.6 Lymphatic Drainage of Lower Limbs
Chapter 13 Visual Organs
13.1 Eyeballs
13.2 Accessory Organs
13.3 Blood Vessels and Nerves of Eyes
Chapter 14 Vestibulocochlear Organs
14.1 External Ears
14.2 Middle Ears
14.3 Internal Ears
Chapter 15 General Description of Nervous System
15.1 Main Divisions
15.2 Components of Nervous System
15.3 Active Ways of Nervous System
15.4 Terms Used in Nervous System
Chapter 16 Peripheral Nervous System
16.1 Spinal Nerves
16.2 Cranial Nerves
16.3 Autonomic Nervous System
Chapter 17 Central Nervous System
17.1 SpinalCord
17.2 Brain Stem
17.3 Cerebellum
17.4 Diencephalon
17.5 Telencephalon
Chapter 18 Pathways of Nervous System
18.1 Sensory Pathway
18.2 Motor Pathway
Chapter 19 Coverings and Blood Supplies
19.1 Meninges and Spaces
19.2 Cerebral Spinal Fluid
19.3 Barriersin Nervous System
19.4 Arterial Supplies of Brain and Spinal Cord
19.5 Venous Drainage
Chapter 20 Endocrine System
20.1 Pituitary Gland
20.2 Thyroid Gland
20.3 Parathyroid Gland
20.4 SuprarenaI Gland
20.5 Pineal Body
20.6 Pancreatic Islets
20.7 Thymus
20.8 Genital Gonad
There exist many granular foveolae laterally to the sulcus for superior sagittal sinus.The sulcus for middle meningeal artery is located on the internal surface of the lateral wall of the calvaria.
The internal surface of the base of skull shows corresponding shape to the base of the brain (Figure 2-15).Therefore, there exist three stair-step fossae from front to back on the internal surface of the base of skull.The three fossae are the anterior cranial fossa (the most superficial), middje cramal fossa(superficial) and posterior cranial fossa (the deepest).
The anterior cranial fossa is separated with the middle cranial fossa by the posterior border of the lesser wing of the sphenoid bone.It is composed of the frontal bone, ethmoid bone and lesser wing of the sphenoid bone.The crista galli is located in the middle of the anterior cranial fossa.The cribriform plate exists laterally to the crista galli, and contains many cribriform foramina for the passage of the olfactory nerve.
The middle cranial fossa is separated with the posterior cranial fossa by the superior border of petrous part, dorsum sellae.It is composed of the body and greater wing of the sphenoid bone, petrous part and squamous part of the temporal bone.In the central of the middle cranial fossa, there exists a superficial fossa on the body of the sphenoid bone, which is named as the hypophysial fossa containing the hypophysis.The canal at the anterior lateral of the hypophysial fossa is optic canal for the passage of the optic nerve and ophthalmic artery, which is continued to the orbit.The carotid sulcus is located laterally to the hypophysial fosse, which forms the foramen lacerum with the anterior extremity of the tympanic part of the temporal bone.The carotid sulcus is continued with the internal opening of carotid canal at the foramen lacerum, for the passage of the internal carotid artery.In the lateral portion of the middle cranial fossa, there exists the superior orbital fissure between the greater winand lesser wing of the sphenoid bone.The superior orbital fissure is continued to the orbit and provides the passage of the nerves and vessels related to the eyes.