Chapter 1:Big Data Analytics with Java
Why data analytics on big data?
Big data for analytics
Big data - a bigger pay package for Java developers
Basics of Hadoop - a Java sub-project
Distributed computing on Hadoop
HDFS concepts
Design and architecture of HDFS
Main components of HDFS
HDFS simple commands
Apache Spark
Spark Java API
Spark samples using Java 8
Loading data
Data operations - cleansing and munging
Analyzing data - count, projection, grouping, aggregation, and max/min
Actions on RDDs
Paired RDDs
Saving data
Collecting and printing results
Executing Spark programs on Hadoop
Apache Spark sub-projects
Spark machine learning modules
Mahout - a popular Java ML library
Deeplearning4j - a deep learning library
Chapter 2: First Steps in Data Analysis
Data cleaning and munging
Basic analysis of data with Spark SQL
Building SparkConf and context
Dataframe and datasets
Load and parse data
Analyzing data - the Spark-SQL way
Spark SQL for data exploration and analytics
Market basket analysis - Apriori algorithm
Implementation of the Apriori algorithm in Apache Spark
Efficient market basket analysis using FP-Growth algorithm
Running FP-Growth on Apache Spark
Chapter 3: Data Visualization
Data visualization with Java JFreeChart
Using charts in big data analytics
Time Series chart
All India seasonal and annual average temperature series dataset
Simple single Time Series chart