Lesso1 The GoldeHall& Austria
Lesso2 Italy: the Cradle of EuropeaRenaissance
Lesso3 Russia: the Largest Country ithe World
Lesso4 Spain
Lesso5 Athens: a Place of Mythology
Lesso6 Poland: a Musical Country
Lesso7 Germany: a Full Market Country
Lesso8 Paris: a City of Museums
Lesso9 Netherlands: a Country Lower thathe Sea Level
Lesso10 The British Empire
Lesso11 America: a Place of Discovery
Lesso12 Travel ithe U.S
Lesso13 Canada: aIdeal Place for Studying Abroad
Lesso14 Brazil
Lesso15 Life iNew Zealand
Lesso16 Australia; the World of Animals
Lesso17 The Origiof Universe
Lesso18 Geology and Landscape
Lesso19 The Tower of Babel
Lesso20 India
Lesso21 Traveling Around China
Lesso22 Egypt: the Place to Be
Lesso23 Greece: the Birthplace of WesterPhilosophy
Lesso24 Switzerland: a Neutral Country
Lesso25 Vatican: a Country Withia Country
Lesso26 Lottery and Stocks
Lesso27 Rise and Fall of the Great Powers
Lesso28 Visioand Missioof the UN
Lesso29 Voting System and Records of Security Council
Lesso30 Functions and Powers of the General Assembly
Lesso31 Debate Skills
Lesso32 Debate oClimate Change