Chapter One Access to Civil Aviation
1.1 Civil Aviation, General Aviation and Military Aviation
1.1.1 Civil Aviation
1.1.2 General Aviation
1.1.3 Military Aviation
1.2.1 International Civil Aviation Organization
1.2.2 Responsibility and Origin of CAAC
1.2.3 CAAC and Flight Service
1.2.4 Pilot English Proficiency Examination of China
Chapter Two Aircraft and Aerodynamics
2.1 Brief Introduction to Aircraft
2.1.1 Classification of Aircraft
2.1.2 Uses for Aircraft
2.2 Main Components of Airplane
2.2.1 Fuselage
2.2.2 Wings
2.2.3 Empennage
2.2.4 Landing Gear
2.2.5 Powerplant
2.3 Aerodynamic Forces
2.3.1 Four Aerodynamic Forces
2.3.2 Terms Affecting the Generation of Lift
2.3.3 The Creation of Lift
2.4 Wake Turbulence
2.4.1 Wake Turbulence
2.4.2 Wingtip Vortices and Effect to Flight
2.4.3 Wake Turbulence Avoidance
2.5 Ground Effect
2.5.1 Generation and Characteristics
2.5.2 Principle of Ground Effect
2.5.3 Effect to Takeoff
2.5.4 Effect to Landing
2.5.5 Ground Effect Vehicles
Chapter Three Aircraft Systems
3.1 Flight Controls
3.1.1 Axes of Motion
3.1.2 Main Control Surfaces
3.1.3 Secondary Control Surfaces
3.2 Electrical System
3.2.1 Application of Electrical System
3.2.2 Electrical System Components and Gauges
3.2.3 Electrical System Gauges
3.3 Hydraulic System
3.3.1 General Remarks
3.3.2 Advantages and Application
3.3.3 Operation of Airplane Hydraulic System
3.3.4 Hydraulic Fluid
3.3.5 Hydraulic Systems on Boeing 737 and Boeing 747
3.4 Oxygen System
3.4.1 General Review
3.4.2 Necessity of Oxygen Regulator
3.4.3 Oxygen Masks for Pilots
3.4.4 Passenger Masks and Emergency Oxygen System
3.4.5 Precaution and Inspection for Oxygen System Security
3.5 Fuel System
3.5.1 Basics about Fuel System
3.5.2 Two General Types of Fuel System
3.5.3 Fuel Primer, Fuel Tanks and Carburetor
3.5.4 Fuel Gauges
3.6 Oil System
3.6.1 Functions of Oil System
3.6.2 011 System Gauges
3.6.3 Types of Oil System
3.6.4 Types of Aircraft Oil
3.7 Powerplant System
Chapter Four Terminal Issues
Chapter Five Aviation Safety
Chapter Six Numbers, Letters and Call Signs
Chapter Seven Radio Communication on Normal Flight
Chapter Eight Abnormal Flight: Operational Failure
Chapter Nine Abnormal Flight: Unexpected Events
Chapter Ten Abnormal Flight: Adverse Weather
Chapter Eleven Abnormal Flight: System Malfunction
Chapter Twelve Auxiliary Files: Model Tests