This book is a reading material of a master course Tourism Destination Marketing,and it focuses on a theoretically based solution to a practical problem: determining the travel motivations of Chinese outbound leisure market.
This research focuses on a theoretically based solution to a practical problem:determining the travel motivations of Chinese outbound leisure travellers.The impetus for tlus research was my time spent in the USA in 2005 as a master student and research assistant on a project studying the motivations of Chinese travellers to the United States.The growth of this outbound travel market is very rapid and many countries including the US are preparing by conducting research on Chinese travellers.Through involvement in this research project, I became fascinated with travel motivation and with understanding why Chinese travel overseas.When reviewing theories of travel motivation, it is found that there is no widely accepted theory in the current literature which could adequately explain leisure travel motivation.In addition,there are methodological problems found in a number of papers that study leisure travel motivation.As a result, although this research began by seeking a solution to a practical perspective, it also has focused on theoretical problems and contributes to theory through exploring travel motivation of leisure travellers.
This book is a reading material of a master course Tourism Destination Marketing,and it focuses on a theoretically based solution to a practical problem: determining the travel motivations of Chinese outbound leisure market.
This research focuses on a theoretically based solution to a practical problem:determining the travel motivations of Chinese outbound leisure travellers.The impetus for tlus research was my time spent in the USA in 2005 as a master student and research assistant on a project studying the motivations of Chinese travellers to the United States.The growth of this outbound travel market is very rapid and many countries including the US are preparing by conducting research on Chinese travellers.Through involvement in this research project, I became fascinated with travel motivation and with understanding why Chinese travel overseas.When reviewing theories of travel motivation, it is found that there is no widely accepted theory in the current literature which could adequately explain leisure travel motivation.In addition,there are methodological problems found in a number of papers that study leisure travel motivation.As a result, although this research began by seeking a solution to a practical perspective, it also has focused on theoretical problems and contributes to theory through exploring travel motivation ofleisure travellers.
The first chapter of this book has provided a general introduction to the research.It has set the context for the research by offering a description of the current situation of the Chinese outbound travel market as the study background.It then introduced the research questions and issues, addressing the gap between previous studies on travel motivation and motivation theory as discussed by means-end chain (MEC).It has also discussed the contribution of this research.
The second and third chapter provide an overview ofthe important literature related to this research.First, the literature on motivation and travel motivation theories is critically reviewed.Second, the MEC theory is introduced as the theoretical foundation adopted for this research.Third, Chinese cultural value and its important themes are reviewed.
The fourth chapter the conceptual framework for this research is developed based on previous literature review.Two research purposes are tended to achieve:(1)identifying travel motivation with means-end chain theory in different levels;and (2)investigating the relationships between attributes, consequence, and value level of travel motivations found in the research.Then the methodology used in this book is discussed.With an interpretive social science paradigm, before the formal data collection, measurement issues and interview techniques were improved in this research, by conducting a pre-test and pilot test.The data collection involved 60 in-depth interviews and 600 quantitative survey data using the laddering technique approach.The data also were analysed using content analysis and the Hierarchical Value Map (HVM).Finally, research reliability and validity as well as ethical issues are discussed.
Chapter 1 Background Introduction
1.1 Background to the Research
1.2 Problem Specification
1.3 Research Questions
1.4 Contributions
Chapter 2 Travel Motivation and CulturaI Value
2.1 Motivation and Motivation Theory
2.2 Travel Motivation and Travel Motivation Theories
2.3 Chinese Cultural Value
Chapter 3 Means-end Chain Theory
3.1 MEC Model
3.2 The Cognitive and the Motivational Perspectives
3.3 Previous Tourism Studies with Means-end Chain Theory
Chapter 4 Explore Clunese Outbound TraveI Motivation with MEC Theory
4.1 Introduction of Methodology
4.2 Justification of the Methodology
4.3 Research Design
4.4 Pre-test
4.5 Pilot Test
4.6 Data Collection
4.7 Data Analysis
Chapter 5 Qualitative Data Analysis Results
5.1 The Profile of the Respondents
5.2 Important Travel Motivations Analysis
5.3 Relationship Analysis of Travel Motivations though MEC
Chapter 6 Quantitative Data Analysis Results
6.1 The Profile of the Respondents
6.2 Important Travel Motivations Analysis
6.3 Relationship Analysis of Travel Motivations though MEC
Chapter 7 Relationship between Travel Motivation and CulturaI Values
7.1 Self Enhancement
7.2 Nurturing the Soul
7.3 Harmonious Relationslup
Chapter 8 Conclusion
8.1 Brief Review of the Research
8.2 Discussion of the Research Findings
8.3 Contributions
8.4 Limitations of the Research
8.5 Directions for Future Research
8.6 Concluding Remarks
Previous Research Related with This Book
Appendix 1 Pilot Test-Summary Score Matrix (SSM)
Appendix 2 Pilot Test-Summarylmplication Matrix (SIM)
Appendix 3 Ladderinglnterview Outline
Appendix 4 The Description of Summary Content Codes
Appendix 5 Research Information Sheet
Appendix 6 Questionnaire of Respondents'Demographic Information
Appendix 7 Summary Implication Matrix (SIM) for Formal Data
Key Word Definition