Unit 1 Brave New World 1
Pre-class Reading 2
My First Day at College 2
Listening & Speaking 4
Reading 15
Text A Art in Life 16
Text B Attitude Is Everything 25
Unit 2 Home, Sweet Home 29
Pre-class Reading 30
Moving into a New House 30
Listening & Speaking 32
Reading 43
Text A Colors in Life 44
Text B The Colors of Monet 54
Unit 3 Music and Musicals 59
Pre-class Reading 60
Silent Night 60
Listening & Speaking 62
Reading 73
Text A Art Education 74
Text B What Makes a Devoted Art Student 81
Unit 4 A Tour of Art and History 87
Pre-class Reading 88
What’s the Name of This Museum 88
Listening & Speaking
The first day at college for me was unforgettable, not because of the excitement of beingon my own for the very first time but because of the scolding I got on the very first dayof class!Since it was the first day, we had an orientation session where all the students weredivided into groups and assigned to different classrooms. Immediately after thatsession was over, we were asked to go to our respective classrooms as classes werescheduled to begin in some 15 minutes. Our college being so huge as it is and mebeing my usual carefree self, I didn’t bother to ask anyone where my class was andonly managed to find my classroom after some 25 minutes of wandering. I foundthe professor had already arrived and had already finished the course introduction:what the course was about and what we would be doing that semester. And then,there I was, standing outside and asking, “May I come in?” He looked at me andbecame instantly angry. He said, “No need to come in. . . Go away!” Then after someconsideration, he said, “How can you come late on the first day of class? Come in!”I thought, “Thank God!”, but the real fun was only beginning. After I entered, hestopped his lecture about the upcoming term and started talking about how today’syouth were lacking any good qualities: no punctuality, no seriousness, no interest orinitiative to excel, no this and no that. All the time, he was looking at me and using meas an example. I thought I was done for. Until the class period ended an hour later, hewent on non-stop. I will never forget it!